Free Christmas Harp Collaboration
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Kind Concern

Est. Reading: 2 minutes

The Christmas Collaboration 2023 is in full swing with lots of live events and questions.  I love it though, you know I do.  Just over one week left before the submission date is upon us (3rd December, 5pm UK time).

I have also been working away in the background on my masters in teaching the arts.  I’m in my third and final year of study and so a big project is underway.  I really need to do more on this though to be honest and it keeps getting pushed down my priority list and then falling off the bottom.

Alongside the general busyness of this time of year, there have been some really difficult personal situations to navigate, which has been hard and honestly, really sad at times.  I’ve found myself struggling and feeling quite disillusioned.

This week I had some really lovely 1-2-1 sessions with How To Harp Members, one member began her lesson by saying she really hoped I was taking time for myself and making sure I was happy and well.  I was so touched by the concern from her.  I know I am always telling my students to make sure they are filling their own cup, making time for themselves and taking care of themselves.  Getting the reminder to do the same for me was really special and it brightened what was a dark day.  She didn’t know I had stuff going on, but her concern meant so much.

So, even though I’ve not messaged in a long time.  I’m not going to beat myself up about it.  I’m going to give myself a pass.  I’m trying my best.  And, once this busy time is over, I’m going to make sure I have some down time to recharge and refresh.

I hope you are all doing the same.  Look after yourself.  And look after each other – you don’t know how much some concern and kind words might mean to someone when they are struggling the the stress of life we all feel sometimes.

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